by Hauke @

Write a fantasy story about 'The Door in the Mountains'.

The Door Between Worlds

Legend has it there’s a door in the mountains that will lead you to a world unlike any other. It rests just beyond the forbidden forest, high above the highest mountain,hidden among the stars. Only the brave and the curious have found it.

Thousands have made that treacherous journey and none have return. Some say many died while others say they entered that world and would never return.

I’ve heard countless stories about this magical door and the wonderful new world it offers. It’s been everything from a world consisting only of magic to a world filled with two legged creatures. I’ve heard them all. But I consider myself to be neither brave or curious enough to go there and see for myself.

I have everything I need here in this world. Why would I need to go and seek another. Especially one that only exists in the wild minds of tortured souls.

I know this so called “special new world” all too well because I helped create it. I had a hand in making it what it is. And because my ideas of what I considered to be fun, were labeled as pure evil, I’ve been banned to this world. I instantly took the throne because I was the first to claim occupancy, that was until the others started to show up.

And so it has been for centuries. Just myself and the millions of tortured souls that were just too evil to live in that glorious world high above the mountains. The world many down here refer to as “A Heavenly Paradise”. The world that can only be entered through, the door in the mountains.

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