
“I’m breaking up with you” Isaac said to Emily while trying to remain as calm as possible.

“Wait what?? Why???” Emily responded, “Do you not love me anymore?”

“I do. It’s just you don’t do anything for me or improve my life at all. All you do is hold me back when I know I can improve and be better than I am right now.”

“That’s… Not true.” Emily stuttered

“It is…” Isaac said breaking his character, “I’m sorry, but that’s it.” He walked to door firmly with his eyes focused to the ground until he reached the front door of the apartment. He looked up one more time at her before he left and she noticed his eyes were watery. The sight had made her stomach drop

“Goodbye.” Isaac said in an obvious fake calm tone.

“Wait!” Emily managed to say but it was too late. And the last thing she heard was the sound of the slamming door.

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