The Big Concert

The show was about to start. Mom and my sister Danny said they would be front row in the middle. As the curtains opened i scanned the front row, and the third row and the fourth and fith and sixth, all the way to the back; mom was there, but i couldnt find Danny. All of a sudden i didnt feel so good. My tummy felt all twirly and heavy. The show was starting; i was supposed to sing first, so i opened my mouth , but when i tried to sing, nothing came out. I think that all the games of ghost town (thats the silent game mommy really likes), were mad at me for losing (i always lose).

The curtains started to close and Miss Martin came over to me and asked if i was okay. I still couldnt say anything so i shook my head. I would really like to know where my voice went. I have heard that you can “lose “ your voice so maybe thats what happend. But where does it go when you lose it? I do sure hope it comes back soon though, i really like my voice.

Before the currents closed, Danny ran in. Maybe she took my voice with her by accident because when i saw her, the tummy twirling stopped and i could speak again! Miss martin mustve seen something, because she said i lit up, so bright and i smiled. Maybe when you get your voice back, they have to use a light, to know where it goes. Im not too sure what she meant. Miss martin always says silly stuff like that. Anyways, Miss martin asked if i was ready, and i said “YES,!” super duper loud.

A faceless voice said, “Curtains in 3,2,1.” The currents started to swing open! I think its really cool that the walls can talk. Mom said it would be interesting if they could talk, and i agree. I mean how would that work? Maybe ill bring her on stage after the show, because everytime we change scenes, i hear a voice, but no one is there. Then, like magic, the curtains open and close. Isnt that cool!? Once again, i scanned the first row. This time they were both there, waving and smiling. Miss Martin was in front of us on the floor in case we needed help. The music came on again and I opened my mouth, and this time i actually sung! After everyone sung, It was time for the bow. Thats my favourite part, i feel really fancy, like a princess. The curtains closed and everyone was still clapping super loud.

After the show, mom and Danny came up to me and gave me a huge hug. Danny pulled a bunch of flowers from behind her. Between you and me, i think she may be magic; but i dont have time to talk about that right now. I told Danny about everything that happened. Shes a really good listener, she doesnt tell me im talking too much like some people do. Danny always says things that make me smile really really big, like huge. So after i told her what happened she looked at me for a minute, a little weird if you ask me. Then she said “ i may not always be on time, but i will always show up for you” and then she hugged me. She always tell me the same thing when she wants to make me feel better. “Izzy, i am so lucky to have you”. Which i never really understand becasue, she can pull flowers out of actually no where and gives me my voice back when i lose it. So i think that i might be the most lucky person in all the universes to have her to look out for me.

- a little reminder that all you have to do, is show up

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