Submitted by bianca

It wasn’t yours to take, but nevertheless you ripped it from my grasp

Write an insta-poem using this as the opening line. An insta-poem uses short, direct lines that would suit a small screen.


I know I’m making memories,

But they flash bye so fast.

I can’t keep up with

This world anymore.

I’m falling down and being passed by,

everyone else speeding up.

Why can’t I just keep up.

I really can’t do anything

With the feeling of pain and suffering

in my mind and in my chest.

Almost everything I touch will be

ruined and turned into dust.

I’ll cry on the race track of my life

And sit on the pavement

curled into a ball.

Cause even after all this time

And all this relentless trying.

I’m pretty sure

The world finally won after all.

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