painted in smoke

the burning fire stood ahead of us.

heat glazed at my face, making me choke out a cough.

I for myself never wanted or thought this would happen.

it was an hour earlier the smell of smoke hit my nose, i felt the smell travel closer and closer.

i ran to my door pleading to find out what was going on.

my door was shut and unable to open due to it swelling, i was banging and yelling trying to force it open.

i didnt ever have windows at the time, my parents didn’t think of this happening 20 years ago when they bought this shabby home that’s burnt to flames now.

i saw flames outside my door, i was yelling and screaming for someone, anyone, to come help me.

i was pleading, screaming till my voice was cracking.

my heart in my throat, i was slamming against my old wooden door.

thoughts passed through my head like how fast the flames spread across my house.

a chair sat by my desk and my first instinct was to get it.

a non verbal command streaked my mind “get out” “you have to get out”.

i picked up the chair and pushed it into the wall.

it wasn’t working.

i tried again, and again.

my face glistened with hot sweat of panic and terror.

the flames grew under my door.

i felt trapped, stuck, unable to get out.

the more seconds that passed the worse the fire grew.

i used all of my body weight and strength slamming the chair into my door.

my doors white paint chipping off from the chairs rough edges striking it.

the door finally cracked open, my heart was pounding, shuddering in my chest of terror.

i felt the warmth of the flames that stood ahead of me, the flames grew taller.

they painted black shadows on doors and walls.

i held the chair in front of me trying to keep me from breathing all of the smoke that surrounded me.

i heard screams, coming from my little sisters room.

i heard loud pitched screams.

i held the chair out trying to get to my little sisters bedroom, i was praying she would be okay.

the screams slowed down, the banging slowed down.

my heart nearly was to the ground.

i saw my mother scurrying down the steps all of a sudden.

i couldn’t fully make her out through the hot flames but i saw her figure, i saw her holding my young brother.

what about anna.

“MOM!” i yelled to her coughing smoke out as the screams left my mouth.

she looked back her face hot in smoke.

she ran off down the fire spread steps, fear struck me.

was i going to make it out. was she going to make it out.

most importantly was anna okay?!

the taunting orange flames were growing.

my legs felt weak, my nostrils burned of the smoke that came in.

my eyes teared causing my vision to be blurry, my head spinned.

i kept making it through to get to anna’s room.

“Anna move away i’m coming in!!” i screamed to her door backing up careful not to hit the hot flames.

my vision was almost complete darkness now, i slammed against her door.

my body slowing down getting tired, every part of me wanted to fall and give up.

i slammed another time my strength and energy giving out.

i tried again and again.

i was coughing out hot tears.

the door opened finally opened. i threw the chair into the flames rushing in.

anna was okay.

her chesnut curls looked still intact and her lovely hazel round eyes were still there.

“anna, thank goodness.” i said hugging her small body.

i managed the door closed right away after trying not to waste time.

anna looked scared she was shaking and crying.

“okay anna, we’re going to get out through your window okay?” i told her stroking her hair.

“what about teddy?” she said looking me in the eyes.

i knew she wouldn’t leave without that small teddy bear plush that sat in the living room, probably in ashes now.

“mom has him, we need to go now.” i lied, coughing.

my throat burned of the smoke that i inhaled.

i opened her window, and i picked her up.

“anna we’re going to have to jump okay?” i told her taking her by the window.

i scurried my way out of the window staring down at the large drop under me.

i gulped terrified from what stood ahead me.

i let go preparing for the impact, i fell and finally landed.

my hip throbbed from the fall i just encountered.

“come on anna!” i yelled my throat dry and in pain.

i coughed once again.

anna stood up there scared, her small body was shaking.

“anna!! i will catch you okay come on!”

she still stood up there.

“anna. please!!”

she finally looked down and stood at the end.

“anna it’s like a game okay!? jump and i’ll catch you it’ll be fun. like how we do it in the pool!!!” she looked down at me “i’m scared!” she yelled down to me.

“don’t be, i’ll catch you okay..? 3..”

my heart raced knowing the longer she stayed the more the fire was going to spread.

he hesitated to jump.

“come on anna! i’ll count you down okay? you’ll get teddy after this!”

“5..” her big eyes were struck with terror as she looked down to me.





she flung from the window jumping down, i quickly went to catch her.

i caught her thankfully and hugged her tightly.

“good job anna” i told her.

now we’re still standing staring at this house turn to ashes.

the sound of fire truck horns come through, we turn back to see it.

i pick up anna and place her to my side, rubbing her head comforting her.

(also i didn’t do the exact cover i just took some idea)

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