The Wonders Of Air conditioning

“Omg it’s so hot in here.” Sofia was yelling at me from upstairs in her room. “What did you say?” I said while running up the stairs. “It’s soooo hot in here. “Oh, well why don’t you just turn in the AC.”

She looked at me confused and I just stood there thinking if I spoke in English or not. Then I dawned on me, she had never used air conditioning! I guess they weren’t that common from where she was from. It was still weird that after five months of being an exchange student that she hadn’t figured out how to change the house temperature. “What is an AC?” I grabbed her hand without responding and dragged her downstairs. I put her in front of the kitchen wall and pointed at the AC controlling thing. “This is a AC.” I smiled at the thought that i finally knew something she didn’t. “And what do you do with it?” She replied looking at the buttons like they were aliens. “Your press the up button to make the house warmer and the down button to make it cooler.” My grin grew wider as I saw her staring at it again. “We don’t have these in the UK.” “ I didn’t assume so considering your facial expressions.” She glanced at me only to go back to her staring contest with the air conditioning a second later. She looked like she had just fallen in love with the way she pressed the buttons, so much more gentle than when she punched me in the stomach earlier. “ I’ll leave you two love birds alone,” I said as I walked out of the kitchen feeling like I had intruded on their first date!

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