Inspire by Grégorienne

A person who is good at everything, other than expressing their emotions, begins to fall in love.

Writing from this character's perspective, how do they handle it?

One Night No More

In a house. Ready to hunt my person. Kill on cold blood. I am ready for my victim. My name is Oriana and I am a blood hunter assassin abysal teifling. I kill for fun and I used to be a bounty hunter. My parents were murdered and I had to kill my cousin. I am from the underworld and I bottle my emotions. They are over rated anyway.

It’s the mist of war and people are scared. Which is why I was paid to kill this person. 10 gold better be worth it. As I started to put the knife to his throte. He all of a sudden grabbed it and grabbed his own knife and put it to my throat. I didn’t know what to do. My boss said he would be easy but clearly he was wrong.

“If you kill dont get wrong” he smirked like he exactly knew what is happing but little does he know

“ I only was going to ask if you need help” why is my heart going 1 2 3?

“ Well little do you know I am trained to kill two”

“ how, if you don’t mind me asking” his shirt is off

“ I trained myself”

“ wow so did I”

“Where your parent? Little girl”

“ I am not a girl! And they are dead”oh my oh my ahhhhh

“ leave now and I will spare your life”

“ not until I finish the job”

“ you can’t we both know how to fite and kill so leave while you get the chance”

Fine, so I left and I did have my face covered. But what is going on? I don’t what is happening. So I go to sleep.

I slept in till 11am the next day and so I got to the bar to get a drink. I see the guy sitting at the stool with the band playing behind him. I lunch myself and hope he doesn’t recognize me. I sit one stool away from him.

“ one drink please”

The bartender gives me one. The guy turns at me and says

“ you must be new”

“I am new and who are you?” I can’t believe my eyes

“ names sage. What’s yours?”

“ names ori” what is going on with me. I never feel feelings. I shoot and kill and steal and everything but feelings?

“Nice name, want a tour?”

“ sure!” Shizzzzzzzzzz my boss is going to kill me. I almost got the wrong guy! Oh no! Well im not going back.

We walk around town to get a look of the shops and stores and we talk. I learned that his parents are dead and that he is a rouge and I’d from the underworld. We talked a little more and we decided to head back to the bar for some more drinks.

I had 1 drink. And soon a while bottle. While I was drinking woth sage we were laughing, telling jokes and having fun. Which is new for me.

“He played the fiddle in the band but fell in love with an English women” I kissed sage on the neck at the next part “ kissed her by the neck” oh no. “ and took him by the hand, baby do you want to dance?” I held out my hand waiting. Can’t believe this! Am I really that drunk??

“ Yes of course then after how about we go upstairs?” He smiles and I smile and we dance and dance and then I think this is perfect but he must be drunk to. Well to late I will leave soon.

We soon head to the room and had a little fun I guess. But soon after I wake up and threw up the alcohol in the toilet. It was a fun night but I can’t have feelings ever so I go gather my clothes and put them on and leave forever to never return. I can’t love ever. But it must be the alcohol that made us do it. But it is a night and day I will never forget. Soon I hear the trees. And then a blade.

“ how could you do this!”

“ I am sorry”

“ you can’t be”

“ I am”

“ your a creature who can’t love”

“ I know”

“ kill me now!”

“ never”


“Course I know you now”

“ then leave”

“ I am”

Sage then runs away crying and I can’t help but feel a throb. But I can’t feel anything anymore. It will get me killed. I sigh and walk away. That mistake will never happen again. It was one night. No more.

. . .

I am not good woth stories so any feed back would be nice.

And I do want to expand on these two characters in a different story. Any ideas on that as well?

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