Potential Hostage

Harboring a hostage in my tattered home

Targeting any attempt at infiltration

With investigation and scrutiny

Any chance to come alive

Is met with blind rage

A turn of a page or throwing

The whole book away

To sit in the corner and dress up in dust

Smelling of mold as my leaky pipes rust

Let’s turn away from the smell, at least

We are safe here

At least, our death will be our own

“But don’t you want to blossom?”

To grow?”

Well what if the air is too thin

to feel on your skin?

And besides, the outside is harsher than

Anything else within

Let’s think up more reasons

To stay here and hide

It only takes one to get out there and try

Let’s collect dust

And count panels on the ceiling

Lest we come in contact

With any semblance of feeling

Don’t look at me with those

Sad, hungry eyes

If you think you can hack it, go on then.

Make life a prize

You’re full of potential

Go and be wonderful

Go feel essential

And lovely and powerful

I’m the voice in your head

That guides you

To lie awake in your dread

Most things I say are better left unsaid

I’ll keep you safe

And I’ll protect you

My only condition is that I infect you.

And if you think for a moment

It’s any better out there?

In a world that’s uncertain

Even when you’re prepared?

Then you’re right.

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