Crooked Kingdom

Im splayed out on the floor, and I wince as I try to sit up. There is blood spilling out of me everywhere. A straight bullet shot to the stomach. The pain is swarming my head, blocking all of my thoughts. Except for her. I’m dying and all that I can think about is her. Her. I have to see her one last time, kiss her one last time, hold her one last time. These are the thoughts that push me get up and start running. Towards her. I strategically hold my coat in a way that she won’t be able to see my wound. I round the bend, and there she is. The most beautiful woman in the world. I rush to her, my smile even larger than hers. I wrap her in my arms and kiss her. Kiss her like I never have before. Oh, how i’ll miss this. I should have kissed her more, told her how much I love her more. Finally we pull away. “Wait I’m normally the one that kisses you first.” She says staring inquisitively. Then, she laughed, and if I hadn’t been so relived to see her alive, I might’ve laughed too.”

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