Stupidly Suddenly Caring

Well, I would’ve talked,

But the words seemed locked

In my vocal chords by an invisible chain,

In this town there is no lover’s lane.

I made a total fool of myself, didn’t I?

My face was hot, I was tomato-coloured, wasn’t I?

This is so stupid, why do I care?

Why do I stupidly suddenly CARE?

Nothing changed, I just opened my eyes,

Suddenly sure those rumours are lies,

Maybe love is blind because I can’t see anything wrong with you?

Do you think about me too?

Stupidly suddenly caring,

I tried to be “daring,”

And I made a joke but I said it wrong,

Oh, dignity, so long…

Yes, it’s an obsession,

At least the thought distracts me from depression?

So I’ll write a poem about you, so

That’s pretty much marriage you know?

Stupidly suddenly caring,

It’s stupid and sudden and it doesn’t make any sense, it’ll never work out and it’ll never happen, it’s stupid and maybe my standards are too high or too low, it’s stupid and sudden but

I care, you know?

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