Write a poem about a curse, evil, or malintent.

An atmosphere of wickedness is a rarer theme in poetry. Have a go at creating a menacing tone in your poem.

Garden Snake

Snake in the garden

Slithering and deceiving

Its prey?

A gullible and faithless soul

It thrives on

Evil and hatred

It can be

Poisonous and deathly

It doesn’t stop there

It bites and destroys

Wreaking havoc all around by

Trickery and treachery

Only one is able to put an end to its madness

And that’s the one who was born as

Fully human and fully God

To crush the serpents head

And put an end to all evil

He is Jesus Christ

My Lord and Savior

The Son of the Most High

Only He can stop 𝘡𝘩π˜ͺ𝘴 garden snake

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