After decades of enslavement by an alien race, your character has worked out how to win freedom for mankind.
Tell their story.
The Savior Of Humanity
Kyle 26 was in a park sitting on a bench waiting. He watched the ignorant people enjoy themselves in the park couples having picnics. kids playing with water guns, and people just out for a jog. Of course they would be out on this beautiful hot day especially with the birds singing and the fresh cut grass who wouldn’t want to be out here enjoying the day. Kyle then heard the the shaking of the leaves in a light breeze.
“It has begun.” Kyle muttered to himself as he tipped his fedora to look mysterious.
Dark clouds slowly began to accumulate in the sky above him just as he predicted. A low frequency hum was heard by all and all of a sudden in the center of the clouds a burst out a dazzling display of lights looking like rainbow fire falling from the sky trailing the lights was a Flying saucer more saucer shaped then any body had seen. A young toddler in a carriage pointed to the ship and exclaimed
“Mommy whats that”. Another man could be heard yelling “Fuck this planet has gone to hell.” As well as many other mutters from many other folk. Slowly the craft landed and the door to the craft opened and walking out the craft was a small 3 foot purple man much wider than a human, with long arms that dragged on the ground. He wore a top hat and a big button on his button up shirt that said “vote for Zousarlgat”.
The local school marching band began to play as Zousarlgat began to take pictures with his fans.
Kyle looked angered from across the park at Zousarlgat he knew with all his hart that he had used his alien random number generator to rig the last election. He was ready to free his planet from the clutches of the intergalactic “common peace and resource core”. He slowly pulled his katana out of it’s sheath while uttering repeatedly “Miku please let my blade strike true”. He charged at the corrupt politician alien with all his might he felt as though he could die at this moment and be happy…
In actuality bone of this was real Zoursarlgat had already put Kyle into a pod and was using his body as a battery to power his ship. Zoursarlgat laughed in amusement as he swiped to the next video of another humans thoughts in there looping virtual lives .