Write a story about a world in which you have to be granted permission to feel an emotion. What happens when your main character disobeys this rule?
Do You Not?
Those cold eyes pierce into me, blue like death, devoid of light, cruel.
“You can love me now.” Comes the bland voice. Like school walls painted grey, like a history book with tiny font and only little indents for new paragraphs, like sitting in silence for hours, that is the boredom his voice makes me feel.
As a child, I used to love my mama’s stories. When the day comes, she’d say, your heart swells and you feel like you’re floating on air. My heart did indeed swell, like a sponge in water, absorbing the boredom. I did feel like I was floating in air. As though my floating had gone wrong and I was falling.
My papa used to say, it’s the best day of your life. A whole world of colour is revealed. This world is as grey as before.
“What is wrong? Do you not feel it?”