Submitted by nlove
Write a poem based on the theme of illusions.
Whether this be something magical, deceptive, or imagined, keep illusions as your central theme.
Tinder Date
They laugh at each joke
My words fall smoothly each time
They tell me I’m pretty, my response “I know.”
They speak to each other
I watch quietly from the side
They show me who they are
And who they wish I was
Time passing by slowly
Observe, collect information
Putting on the show they created in their minds
Be who they perceive me to be
A game of chess with no mate
Losing our pawns and knights
Nights like these - good stories
Eleven years of acting put to good use
Is it really a lie if they never ask?
Am i deceiving if they don’t want to know?
Questions that linger months after.
Maybe someone will see ME through this
Act. Call me on my shit
For now I’ll sit and play my part
Wishing I was anywhere but where I am.