Behind The Glass

I watched the world from behind a window, sometimes when i didn’t even know how. For a while, I didn’t even have eyes, but I could see the days pass. They were as clear as.. well, day.

I’m not good with words, or sayings. All I know is what I see.

I see blue skies that turn black sometimes. When they do, they’re actually even prettier. In the day, there are giant bugs of white and grey, floating through the air without a care in the world. But when it darkened, ther were suddenly lights. Smaller bugs, but infinitely more beautiful. They sit high in the air above predators.

I wonder if I can see them one day, when I leave my glass. The cracks have slowly grown recently. Something was about to...


The glass is budging. I can push on it with my legs. With each kick, the cracks get wider, I can see the world in even clearer than behind the glass. I... I never knew that was possible.

Then again, the glass was only ever as clear as my eyes before. Had they gotten stronger?

I kick.

And I fall.

There’s things on my back. I feel them catching the wind. Can I... can I move them.

There’s no more glass. It didn’t just trap my vision. It trapped me. I feel free. I feel large. I feel...


I flex these things on my back. They expand out in blankets of organs and red. Suddenly I’m not falling. A field of green below me, a sky of blue above me, and chorus of orange ‘is’ me!

Somewhere behind me is the glass I had lived in for I don’t know how long. So many days had turned black and blue that I lost count. All I know now, is I will never stay behind glass again. I will never touch the ground again.

I will be one the gorgeous bugs that decorate the dark sky.

I will be something new.

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