Describe a beautiful summer's evening.
You could incorporate this into a story, but the focus should be on describing the atmosphere of the evening, and why it would be enjoyable.
Pool Day
Water trickles into the pool as the spillway gradually comes to a stop. The waves slosh around as the last person files out of the pool. People chatter and throw hard melon rinds over the fence into the field beyond, red juice flowing down their chins.
Everyone is smiling as the sun sits, just above the horizon, lowering in the sky more with every minute. It paints the sky the color of a mandarin orange mixed with gold, fading into blue. The door opens loudly, and two large pizza boxes are placed on the table.
The chatter fades as people rush over, grabbing paper plates and cups to fill with apple juice or lemonade. In an instant, half of each pizza has disappeared, while new drink jugs are brought out from the cooler.
A couple kids inhale their food and jump back into the pool, while others lounge on the chairs, socializing with one another. Before they know it, the sky changes to purples and magentas, while the sun disappears behind houses across the field.
Chairs are moved to the bonfire, s’more ingredients are brought out, and everyone anxiously waits for it to get colder and dark enough for a fire.
The energy level has settled down, as people head over with towels over their shoulders, mostly dried off now. They’ve finished exerting their energy in chasing each other around the backyard, swimming, and playing with the dogs.
Slowly, the sky darkens to a navy blue, and the moon can just barely be seen. The group’s number decreases as the more wood is added to the fire, and marshmallows begin to catch flames.
Finally, chairs are moved back, the pool lights are turned off, and the fire is left to die out.
S’more ingredients are brought up, leftover towels are collected, and all but Mother Nature is quiet in the night.