“That was the only lesson she ever needed to learn.”

Write a poem about anything you wish, but end with the line provided.


I wish I could go back

Tell her what she didn’t know yet.

She’d probably ask me if I married that guy,

Or maybe she’d ask me if at last I’m fine.

I would shake my head and tell her no,

And there’s a thing or two she must know.

She’d probably look at me concerned or confused.

I mean, if you were six, what else would you do?

I’d tell her the truth,

Things will go wrong,

But don’t worry,

It’s okay in the long run.

She’ll look at me funny and ask what I mean,

I’d tell her that not all rollercosters are fun.

Some things you’ll desire,

And for some things you yearn,

And that was the only lesson she ever truly needed to learn.

Side note: I’m they/them (nonbinary) but I said she because I think that it’s something I wouldn’t tell younger me, maybe I’d tell her that she’s autistic, but nonbinary was a discovery I needed to make on my own

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