"Even the dead tell stories."

Using this as the opening or closing line, try writing a horror or thriller poem.


Even the dead tell stories

I remember a time when life was pure and bliss

Until my grandmother passed away and it brought immense darkness

The fear and confusion that I had without her made me quiet

Time sand time again I tried and tried to deny it

But deep down I knew that she was really gone

And I knew I’d never hear her voice or her song

But one night I couldn’t sleep I couldn’t close my eyes

Little did I know I was in for a surprise

See my grandmothers kitchen

Was always lively

It’s where the family always met and ate

And loved each other kindly

So when I heard the light turn on

I had to see what was

And what i found was not what I expected

I went to turn the light out

Because nothing was there

But before I pulled the chain I heard the scooting of a chair

I jumped back and gave a gasp

I almost gave a yelp like no other

Because When I turned and looked at the chair

I saw my grandmother

So I started asking questions and she quickly swiftly hushed me

She said i don’t have too much time

I just need you to trust me

I said ok and she began

To tell me something grand

Of life after life existing

And saying god understand

I started talking more and she said she had to go

I said wait what does it all mean

She said one day you’ll know

So after that moment I truly believed

Although I still question one single thing

Who left that dirty fork in the sink

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