Write a poem, with a set structure, which centres around the theme of confession.
**“Darling, you could’ve avoided this if you hadn’t opened your pretty little mouth to call me a psycho..” **
I stood there infront of him, his body covered in the slimy crimson substance of blood. How dare he talk to another girl? How dare he betray my trust in such a horrid manner?
“Whatever..” I mumbled, as I carelessly turned away from him while I pulled the bloodied surgeons gloves off of my hands. I hadn’t thought to check his pulse at all. And that’s when the phone call ended and the police sirens sounded.
“Officer I swear I didn’t kill him..” I now say with fake tears swelling in my eyes. “Do you really think his own girlfriend would do such a thing?” I forced my voice to give out, bringing my hands up to my mouth.