I’m Uncomfortable.

✍️ you know what I can’t do, romance or humor so imma make a silly “romance” just for the fun of it, is it gonna make sense? No. Oh well. Just making fun of some of the books I’ve read! My only goal in you reading this, is to make you ✨cringe✨But has anyone ever tried to find a good book and just when you think you found one, it turns out like this:


She was so petite. She was so petite it was almost as if her bones couldn’t hold her up. But she hunted grizzly bears with her own two hands for her family. She was only 75 centimeters tall and had an hourglass figure. She was almost ten years old. Her bright pink eyes glowed like orbs. No body else in all of the kingdom had pink eyes but her.

One day guards invited her to the royal castle. Even though her little brother protested, and her parents forbade it. She went. Finally feeling free. In the castle she bumped into a servant! His 11’4” frame towered over her and his watermelon sized biceps totally turned her on. They decided to go on a date together. They hung out for about 3 hours straight! Then the servant boy proposed!

She was so happy she jumped into his arms. But when she did, she saw that under his jacket, he was wearing the royal pendant. She jumped down immediately. She felt so betrayed because princes where such a turn off and he lied about being a servant. She ran 3,929,263 miles home in twelve minutes. She was so angry she broke her door and pushed her little brother into the fireplace on accident. But she didn’t even notice she was so sad. Her heart felt like it had just gotten hit with thirty seven semi trucks, seven thousand tons of octopi, and burned. like her little brother. She let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding when she realized:

It doesn’t matter that he is a prince! She loved him for who he is! So she ran back in only 11 minutes this time, and accepted the princes proposal because technically she didn’t say no she just ran away.

Then they ran away to a far away fairy island. After looking into his huge brown eyes, she realized she wanted kids. So they had 49 deformed babies. And she even named her only boy after her brother, after she attended his funeral. He sadly dies in a fire. No body knows how he got there but they ruled it a suicide. Don’t worry though. She didn’t believe it was a suicide. She believes it was a murder. And she would not rest until until she found the one responsible.

In the end they didn’t care that there was a 72 year age difference! They knew that even though she was not even in her teens, marrying a eighty two year old was the right choice.

The end.



(Btw the little brothers name was hector because all hectors deserve such a fate. If you read Shadow Queens ”illegal love” series you would understand)

(Oh if your name is hector I love you but might wanna consider changing your name)

Also remember, I love likes, they make my day, but comments are the way to my heart! But only if you like it! If you don’t like it, don’t you dare hit that little thumb you backstabber, your not a backstabber for not liking it, you are for tapping the thumb…


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