Ready… Steady.. Bang.


The gunshot echoed through the air and rattled through my head, everyone froze as I held my eyes shut. I could hear the bullet make contact with someone followed by giggles from everyone else. Laughter surrounded me as I looked at my friends with a smile, the boy in front of me laying on the floor holding his leg.

“That was a close one huh Holly! Aren’t you glad I was in front of you?”

“Of course Matt! Go get cleaned up, you’re out.”

A couple people helped Matt up and got him out of the circle. Everyone giggled and started running again.

We all circled the blindfolded boy in the middle. He’s only five but he’s my friend’s brother and her parents said that we had to let him play with us.

He started spinning anti clockwise as we ran clockwise, waiting for the gunshot. It took a little longer but when it came we all stopped. There was a gasp across from me and we looked over to see the other youngest, Sophia who had a big gappy grin plastered on her face.

“That one was really close!”

She laughed and clapped her hands and she jumped up and down.


We all started running again and the shot came quicker this time. We all stood there tense with big smiles, eyes clenched shut, and some of us with our hands clasped over our ears. I felt a sharp sensation below my left knee which made me immediately fall to the ground, grass tickling my exposed arms and legs.

“No Holly!”

I laughed and rolled around, a prickly tickle running up the inside of my left leg.

“You never get out this early!”

“I know!”

I pushed myself up and leaned on my friend Olive as she walked me out of the circle over by Matt and the other kids who got out.

I sat next to them, fixed the bottom of my little orange sundress and leaned against me hands extended out behind me as I swayed my feet back and forth.

“Aww my new shoes.”

Matt looked down and we both looked at the new red soon to be stain on my new pink light up shoes.

“What about the socks?”

“Oh I have more.”

He nodded and we looked back up at the game which held about 10 more 5-7 year olds running around in a circle.

“Do you want to come to my house for lunch? My mom makes me peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.”


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