Inspired by Niki

Create a poem set on an empty beach, where you are left at peace with your thoughts.

One In Four

That week I packed myself up in my truck

drove to my sisters and cried

I cried so much

I was drunk

I was wreckless

Toxicity fueling me

Until it happened

The guy I met up with was nice

He smooth talked a broken woman

But when I said “NO!!!”

That’s when he called be a whore.

I was violated

A part of me was stolen

I wanted to die

I felt alone

I felt judged hard

I said nothing

I just went to the beach alone

Sat down close to the tide

Secretly hoping it would swoop me in and under

Too many rely on me

I had a bottle of wine in one hand

Anxiety meds in the other

Here comes the




            Intrusive Thinking 

The pain I want to cause upon myself.

Deep breathing now

I watched the sunset

Beautiful colors

Hearing the waves crash

I am loved

I am tough

I am enough

I am 1 in 4

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