My Logan

There is a little boy who in his short life has been through so much! Too much in fact.

It started the very day he was born, he was early and I don’t mean days early I mean weeks. He was cut out of the womb and was in such distress he didn’t breath or cry for what felt like one hundred years but when he finally did it was the biggest relief I’ve ever felt in my life!

The next two weeks we spent in the NICU waiting for him to get better, it felt like we were going 2 steps forward and 3 steps back but eventually he was able to come home.

We noticed he was slow to develop nothing too alarming at first but definitely slow.

Despite this things were going well up until he was about Eight months old when a locum gp misdiagnosed him saying he had a chest infection when in fact he had a severe case of croup and almost died. He was almost intubated and transported to London but my brave clever boy started to improve just before they did.

Now we skip ahead to fifteen months when I noticed something about his testicle wasn’t right, he had a huge growth. After many tests and a weeks stay at a children’s hospital in London we were given one of the worst pieces of news a parent can hear...

He had cancer

It was a rare cancer called a yolk sac germ cell tumour that was luckily treatable and in a very early stage so was treated by surgery to remove the tumour and his right testicle. To this day he still has check ups and blood tests.

When he turned two he still wasn’t walking or talking. At 25 months he finally started to walk but speech was non existent.

At this time he auntie who we were both very close too committed suicide

A year later professionals were finally concerned enough about his development to look into it and he is currently still waiting on an autism diagnoses but it’s very obvious he has it and quite severely too!

In September his uncle who we were both close too died suddenly at the age of sixteen from a sudden brain haemorrhage.

Just before Christmas we also found out that his massive head that has been being investigated since he was in the womb was caused by a mutated gene called the pten gene which will lead to Cowdens syndrome which increase his chance of certain cancers drastically. All his problems minus the croup and the cancer were caused by this little gene.

You see my little solider has been so much in his short life! He recently turned four and is the happiest little boy you could ever meet and he loves his little brother very much.

Logan has been through so much in four years and has so much.

That’s what bravery means to me

My Logan

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