Class Confession

I walk into the class, students filing in behind me, until my body feels something familiar, but distant.

Before I see him, I hear his voice.

“Oh Bonnie, I didn’t know you were in this class?” He said with a hint of sarcasm.

He sets his books right by the desk next to mine.

“Ricky.” I quietly announce his presence.

“This will be a fun class,” he said, “especially because I am right next to you. Remember the last time we sat next to each other?”

I do remember; it was last year in science class. Mr. Derven assigned Ricky and me next to each other; we were ultimately lab partners.

I had a huge crush on Ricky, and I believed maybe he had one on me.

I was wrong…I believe.

Now he _hates_ me. Why? I do not know.

I ignore Ricky as best I could.

“Ignoring me, I see,” he said. “You’re good at that.”

I remember a time when I couldn’t dare ignore him. I was intrigued by his ever word, hoping maybe he’d ask that one question.

“I am ignoring you because we’re in the middle of class,” I say quietly.

“Class,” Mr. Barke announced. “Class now you can have work time on your introduction papers.”

Ricky looks over at me; I can feel his eyes burning, waiting to set me aflame.

“We aren’t in class anymore, well we are, but it’s work time so—“

“So I have work to do, Ricky,” I say, trying to keep my temper.

“Do you ever do anything else other than work? I mean, do you even have a life outside of school?” I stay silent as he continues, “Or maybe you’re always this rude to people, shutting down any conversation because you’re too good to talk, isn’t that right?”

I begin to feel numb at his every word, tears threaten to fill my eyes.

“Why do you hate me so much?” I finally blurt out.

He laughs. _Laughs_. As if he didn’t know how much my voice wavered, or how close I was to breaking. “For the past year you’ve caused me so much pain and suffering!” He rubs his face.

“Pain?” I say quietly, afraid he’ll bolt at me. “Pain,” I continue, “_I_ caused _you_ pain? You were the one who cut off talking when the term ended and went off with your other girls, leaving me behind as if I was just one of your phases.”

He went still.

“I-“ he began. “I didn’t think you cared?”

I shake my head. “Ricky, I liked you, _a lot_, but I was afraid—“

“I like you too, Bonnie, now more than before,” he blurted out. “I was just so angry that you didn’t see, I’m sorry.”

“Sometimes love blinds us.”

“How about a date…tomorrow?”

I laugh as my heart warms at that wanted question. “Yes.”

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