A teacher discovers a hidden talent in a troubled student. But revealing it might lead to unwanted attention...

Eye Of The Beholder

A glint to the left

Strikes a shimmer of blue-

Then a glint to the right

Changes that hue.

A gaze back to me

Seems a trick of the light,

As now his eyes are blank-

Overtaken by all white.

Panic overtakes me

As the truth sets hard in-

This adolescent has inner chaos

Flowing to its own whim.

Though chaos does in fact flow

Through every coursing vein,

Those sent to my guidance

Have complete control over its domain.

Control of chaos is what’s key

Needed to remain stable

And content within oneself

To avoid anything fatal.

But the look within this eye-

Ever changing in hue-

Shows the mind of a madman

Barely hiding from view.

I see it more than clearly-

His thoughts run through and through

Saying over and over

“I want to kill you.”

His thoughts stay only that,

For now until who knows.

Regardless I refuse to speak

And reap what’s he has sown.

I can’t bear the thoughts,

Running through his mind.

For I know that we will suffer

If his chaos is so inclined.

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