Cut off my wings,for I dont deserve them

I've spent countless nights crying in bed, wondering what I've done to deserve the hand I was dealt.

I've prayed— no, _pleaded_ —to a god I don't even believe in, hoping he would fix me.

He leaves my prayers unanswered, yet he punishes me for every mistake I've ever made.

Sometimes I wonder how one could still worship a god with such strict rules.

We're meant to worship him with no evidence he exists, and if you don't you'll burn forever?

He was the one who made us, who programmed us to question everything.

He's the one who planted the tree in the center of the garden, who turned a blind eye to the snake slithering into it.

He sent his own son to die for our 'salvation' yet he could've simply forgiven us.

He punishes everyone for the sins of a couple from thousands of years ago.

So the only question I have that I wish god would answer is...


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