Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.

Love Can Be Deadly

“What do you want me to say Ashlee?” Jack started shouting.

“I- I just want you to tell me you love me. Because I love you! I’ve loved you for as long as I could remember. I don’t think there was a time where I didn’t love you! I just want you to tell me you love me back.”

“Ash, you know how I feel about you”

Ashlee glares at Jack.

Jack continues “I’m with Loura and I love her. I want to marry her and grow old with her. She is who I love. Ash, you and I…we’re just friends”

Ashlee is silent.

“Ash, say something.”

Ashlee looks up at Jack with tears in her eyes, “that’s what I thought you’d say. But Loura didn’t understand you like I do! She didn’t laugh at your jokes, she was always working, and she hated the music you love. She wasn’t right for you!”

“Ashlee, why…why are you talking about Loura like that, like I’m not with her anymore” Jack eyed Ashlee suspiciously.

“Because, Jack, you’re not. I killed that bitch. I knew you would let her get in the way of your true feelings for me. So last night, at the party, I roofied her drink. And while you thought she left and went home sick, I lured her into my car, drove to the old bridge, and I threw her useless body into the river.”

Jack collapsed to his knees, crying.

Ashlee smiled sadly, “Jack, sweetie, why are you crying? Now you can say you love me.”

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