Restless Dream

You find yourself on top of a roof a A man in a top hat and long coat stands before you, in the cover of the night it’s hard to make out his features but his silhouette suggests that their talk a lanky with a mess of curls on top of their head.

The man looks to you with only the only features you can seeing being the shine of his golden eye and his cat like grin. The man cackles and says “what’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve believe”

You go in to speak but the man quickly places a long finger on your lips

“Shhh you must think carefully of this you only get one change I can tell if you’re lying ” the man moves his finger from your lips and move his hand to the side of your face “before you tell me let me tell you this As children you humans believe many of the silliest things, many of the terribly boring” he moves away from you and turns away “ like a girl named Louise who believed the moon was made out of cheese or the boy named Bede who thought if he swallowed a seed it would turn into a Tree,”

The atmosphere was soon getting heavier as he spoked his voice getting more annoyed and deeper as he spoke of names you people You never knew. You took this chance to start running away but right when you turned the man was right in font of you once more

“Now dear child it rude to leave when one’s taking” he grabs your shoulder as he whispers this “now child you still need to tell me what’s the most ridiculous thing you believe and let me tell you this “ he sneers licking his lips “I’m getting hungrier by the night, and I must say I’m really trying to be nice here,now let me make this clear the Thing I truly want is your most ridiculous fear”.

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