by Andre Benz @ Unsplash

Write a short, descriptive story about the places this secret bridge connects.
Snow crossed lovers
I see you through the window
Ivory skin
Cheanut hair
Vibrant green eyes
A smile Playing your pink lips
a blush acfoss your rosy cheeks
- Left
I see you through the window
Skin of porcelain
hair of Mahogany
Eyes sparkling in a thousand shades of brown
a tear slides down your cheeks
dark bags sink further down your eyes by the day
- Right
I see you play with your dog
and watch tv
I see you cook a meal
sing songs
and play video games
I see friends come over
and I see you laugh
You never stop smiling
how do you do it?
- Left
I see you sleep
and read a book
I see you cry
and talk on the phone
I see you barely get out of bed
I see you throw away food
you cooked but never ate
I see you lose all hope
Are you ok?
I dont know your name
but you are always happy
I like that about you
I see a sparkle
a light
That I dont see in myself
you give me hope
when things are hard
but its always hard
so you are my light in the dark
I will meet you someday
I vow
I dont know your name
But you seem so sad
I worry about you
even though we
have never met
I see a beautiful soul
seemingly trapped
in darkness
and sorrow
I wish I could help you find the light
I will someday
I promise
The snow falls hard outside
I hate winter
with a burning passion
things get worse by the day
and I cant seem to breathe
I am hungry
but have no will to eat
I long for a savior
to pull me from the ditch
But no one comes
because no one cares
Snow falls outside my window
I love winter
It is beautiful
White and pristine
It is innocent
and fresh
I like winter
but I dont like the cold
so I stay inside
to admire the snowflakes
and you
- Right
I come out of the apartment
for the first time in a while
I want to get better
I really do
I go the bridge
I just sit on the bench
I watch the snow
and try to be happy
but its hard
I leave the apartment
to walk the dog
crossing through the bridge is
Then I see you
and recognize you
But I keep my cool
- Right
Is that you I see?
The boy in the window
the happy one
Your dog is really cute
is it a husky
They are my favorite breed
I ask to pet it
and I see you blush
as you agree
Your dog likes me
that makes me happy
for the first time
in years
I see you
Just as beautiful as always
You ask to pet my dog
and I stumble and blush
but agree
You are an angel
I dont know why you would be sad
but you seem sorta happy right now
you say huskies are your favorite
I slide in next to you
and we talk
and we just talk
And I see you smile
- Right
Did you just make me smile
I may cry
Can I cry?
I sob
and I tell you
Why its hard
and I feel bad
because I dont know you
I dont even know your name
My name is Aria
I say
I burry my face in my hands
of my pathetic
- Aria
You smiled
but it didnt last long
of course you can cry
I’ll give you my shoulder
You are so beautiful
why would you need to cry
You tell me your life story
and you tell me your name
and youjust keep crying
I just hug you
and hug you
You didnt ask but my name is
I hug you until you apologize
and I tell you not to
because you did nothing wrong
- Roman
You hugged me
But I just keep crying
You have such a beautiful name
I like that name
I think I read it in a book sometime
You hold my hands and
tell me its all ok
and ask if i need help
I am hesitent
but I let my walls down
I tell you everything
I tell you about how I am sick
and how I live alone
and how I am depressed
and how I dont have friends
or family near here
You hug me tight and invite me to walk with you.
- Aria
I ask you everything
and you tell me
I think we mah be friends now
I would hope so
I ask if you would like to walk with me
and to that you agree
We talk for a while
before we stand up
You say you dont have a coat
and that you will run home and grab a blanket
or a sweatshirt
I call nonsense
and let you borrow one of mine
you look so cute
because its a little to big
on your petite figure
I hold your hand
and let you keep talking
- Roman
Yoj let me borrow a jacket
because i dont have one
It smells really good
like vanilla
and lavender
I wonder if you have a girlfriend
because it smells like you do
but you tell me you dont
and you dump your feelings
You tell me you see me in the window
and have longed to meet me
for a very long time
you admit you like me
and have worried about me
I start crying again and hug you
I say I see you in the window as well
and I like you too
Of course it may not work
but we could try
to love eachother
once we know eachother
as more than faces in the window
- Aria
You seem worried
when you put the jacket on
You ask a question
your lips slightly trembling
You ask if I have a girlfriend
I say no
and it is the whole truth
I just like lavender
and vanilla
I know
But I hug you tight and I start to cry a little too
I admit my feeling
and say How much
I worry about you
and just how mych I like you
and how you are the most beautiful girl i have ever met
and I express wanting you be more than faces in a window
you say we could try to love
after we learn eachother
I agree
- Roman
You kiss me
Warm and sweet
A gesture
that feels so strong
after feeling nothing
for so long
I kiss you back
you wrap your arms round my waist
and I hook mine around your neck
maybe we dont need to learn eachother first
I kiss you
its an impulse
You taste like honey
and lemons
Its sweet
and beautiful
just like you
You kiss me back
its amazing
I put my hands around behind your back
and you hook your behind my neck
just maybe
this is what love is like
I really hope so
- Roman
You smile wide
and hold my hands
asking if I wnat to hold back
to your place
and talk
I agree
we talk for so long
sharing anything
and everything
somehow we have the same
music taste
and love so many things
that the other loves
and seemingly eachother as well
We decide to show eachother
out favorite films
you ask first
if I would like to cuddle on your sofa
I don’t hesitate
and Agree
we fall asleep
Twilight playing in the background
- Aria
I smile so big
and ask if you want to go
to my place
just to chat
and you agree
we talk until it is dark
we talk about everything
we talk about anything
We have the same music taste
Indie pop and Indie rock
weird right?
We decided to show eachother
our favorite films
I let you go first
You put twilight on
I pretend I have never seen it
but I love it
I ask if you wnat to cuddle
you dont hesitate and curl up on top of me
We fall asleep intertwined
The Tv just background noise.
I wake up curled up
alone on the sofa
And I smell bacon
I love bacon
I haven’t had it in so long
You are wearing just boxers
and I am in your hoodie
you bring me a plate
It looks so good
You ask if I want to watch cartoons
I giggle and agree
We put on Looney Tunes
and eat our food
I have not been happy
in so long
You wake up
That is good
I am finishing up breakfast
cooking the bacon
I plate our food
I bring you a plate
and you grin
I ask if you want to watch cartoons
You giggle and agree
Cartoons make everyone happy
I put on Looney Tunes
and we eat breakfast
and chat
I think you might be happy
- Roman
After I finish my food
I ask where the bathroom is
so I can wash up
You guide me down a hallway
hand me an extra toothburh and kiss my forehead
In one swift motion
you jump up unto the bathroom counter
I grin
so big
I brush my teeth
for two minutes
and you stare at me
man I guess I hit the jackpot
I hope in the shower
and ask for a towel
I am trying not to show you how hard it is
to do these simple things
but I think you can tell
- Aria
You jump in the shower
after brushing your teeth
I can tell you are struggling
So I jump in with you
I keep my boxers on
no need to amke you uncomfortable
while you are already struggling
and I ask if you need help
You nod your head
I grab the shampoo
and the bodywash
and everything you would need
and I sit down and motion for you too as well
you curl up in my lap and I wash your hair
I assure you that you are not a burden
and that I am so glad I can help you
I wash your body
and face
I give you a kiss
and help you yo shave your legs
I help you stand up
and then
I help you to dry off and dress
you hug me
and seems so tired
We go to my room
we sit on my bed
and I ask
What can I do
I thank you for helping me
though I admit to being embarrassed
You assure me that isnt needed
You aks whag you can do to help
and I just break down
right there in your arms
you pick me up
and rub my back
you say you will help
however you can
The first thing I say
is that I need help
getting better
- Aria
You say you need help getting better
and I never say no
We have not known eachother for long
but I think you might be my soulmate
You are everything I have ever dreamed of
I love you
so much
though I cant say that yet
so I hold you tight
and I rub your back
and I say
that I will do anything I can to help
however long it takes
- Roman
I think this may be the longest thing I have ever written on this app. Let me know if I should write a part two because I really liked writing this one and I feel like there is potential.