
He did not wish to see her this way. How could he?

In the literal context, how could he. With some fucked up fate, they wound up in the same exact airport at the same exact time. In neighboring terminals.

Of course, he still thought, ‘How can I?’

Her expression was melancholic. Shoulders slumped. Her naturally curly hair was more so deflated and messier than he was used to. The bags under her eyes were detectable from a mile away. Nothing about her seemed all out together.

Now, he couldn’t help but blame himself.

Within their last few days together, they had only managed to bicker or sit in uncomfortable silence. Constantly trying to comfort the girl or set her mind to ease. Still, no dice.

She had only grown miserable. Constantly sulking. Perhaps it was everything that had happened in the past month piling up and now ready to knock her down. He couldn’t quite put a finger on it. How he wished he could fix it. Switch something in her brain to give her that look in her eyes that she once had.

The brightness they held when they first met.

Beauty and life. She held it with such a powerful grip once. It saddened him, seeing her this way.

And now he had to go. Unsure whether he’d see her or here from her ever again.

His eyes were fixated on her. Not being able to help but stare. Until she turned her head to glance at him. Their eyes locked. It sent him back to the day at the gas station.

Locking eyes. Instead of seeming curious, she was filled with defeat.

Those dull eyes filled with tears, slowly. Becoming glossy. Soon enough, she tore away and looked down.

He hadn’t been paying attention but the attendant at her gate had been calling up passengers to board and now it was her turn.

She looked back once more. Her lips pursed into a fine line. Then, without hesitation, stepping out of view.

Gone, once and for all.

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