Write a short story in which the main character loses something they are desperate to find again.

Create a sense of urgency and importance to what they have lost, and think about how you can develop your story to build up to the moment they find this item.

Grandma’s Ashes Are Missing

I have always been close to my grandmother. When she passed I took it very hard. I never thought I would recover from it at all. We would hang out on a regular basis when I was little. I was her first grand child,which meant I would get spoiled by her. I got to learn so many crafts from her when I was little. She talk how to bake, sew, crochet, and even knit. When she past I got all the crohet hooks and knitting needs to help me remeber her.

When we go grandma’s ashes back after her passing I wanted a special way to have her with me all the time. I wanted a way to take her with me everywhere. I lookedinto all my options. I found a wearable urn. It was a blank silver heart that I could put on a chain. I got two of them engaved. One heart had grandma’s initals and the date of her passing. The other heart said grandma’s name and the date of her pssing. It was one for me and the other was for my mother. We thought the heartsd to be specail and unwiue to each of us. My mother wears her all the time. I take my heart off at night to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and went to put my necklace that held the heart around my neck. It was not on my nightstand. I always put it in the same spot every night. I looked on the floor at the foot of the night stand and nothing was there. I look to see if the necklace was covered by the tv remote. I start to panic. I haave not been without the heart arou nd my neck since grandma past. No one had been in the room other than me. I had everything else that Belonged on my nightstand. I looked under the nightstand, behind the nightstand, even under the edge of the bed. Nothing at all.

I am starting to panic, where could grandma had gone. Where is the heart that holds her ashes? My breathe is starting to speed up as I keep looking. I start to panic aand just start clearing the night stand off onto my bed. Nothing is coveringg the nightlace. I am now running late for work, but I can’t go without my necklace. I keep looking around the floor. Nothing. Where can it be? I need to find this necklace. It is not a little nacklace, since it is a long necklace with my cross, grandma’s ashes in the herat, and a butterfly on it. The necklace can not just disapper. Finally I see it against the wall bhind the nightstand.

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