D&M The Ending Part 1 (Maisie)

Davian’s words echo through my mind. “I’m not abandoning you.”

His face looked so broken when he told me that he killed my mom. He didn’t mean for this to happen. For us to fall for each other.

I know he didn’t mean for my mom to die. Because I know the real Davian, and I’m in love with him.

I pinch my hand, my heart racing a million miles a second. After Davian pushed me out of the way, after he saved me. The ceiling caved in. I close my eyes trying to forget the terrible momet. But all it does is bring it back to life.

I land hard on the cold cement just outside of the burning building. I cough, lifting my head up just as a huge crash echos through my mind.

“Davian,” I mumble, coughing as I stumble to my feet. My throat burns as I limp back to the building.

The first thing I see when I re-enter is Davian. He’s on the ground, piled on top of him is burning wood.

I gasp. “Davian!” I scream, running up to him.

Before I can get to him the ceiling falls in front of me. Knocking me down.

I brush my blonde hair out of my face, coughing as smoke and dust swirl around me.

“No!” I cry. “No! Davian!”

I feel lost, so lost. The entrace out of this place is right behind me. Calling to me. But my life isn’t out there. It’s in here, it’s Davian.

A siren sings through the dark night, the bright red lights shining through the broken windows.

I stand up, running through the pain in my leg. “Help!” I scream. “Please!”

A nurse runs up to me, holding my shoulders as three firefighters run into the the building.

“He’s still in there!” I sob, tears springing into my eyes.

The nurse leads me away from the fire, her strong arms holding me up as I stumble along with her.

I blink and it’s gone. The fire, the ambulance. And now I’m here. My ankel is sprained but the doctor said I was going to be fine. I was discharged from the hospital just a few hours ago.

I’ve been waiting here. Waiting for Davian to come out of those swinging doors and hold me in his arms. He’ll tell me he’s fine, and then he’ll say if I never want to see him again he’ll understand.

I’ll shake my head, pulling him close. Then he’ll pull away from me, bringing his lips to mine.

“Excuse me?” My eyes fly up from my lap. A man probably around his late fourties stares down at me.

“Are you waiting for someone?” He asks.

I look at the brown clipbaord thats tucked under his arm. I’ve always wondered what they write on those.

“Yeah,” I say. “I’m just waiting for Davian . . . Davian Chase.”

The doctor nods. “Oh,” he replies. “Are you family?”

I shake my head. “No.”

He nods again. “I can’t give any information out to non-family members.”

I know this. Hospitals aren’t a huge mystery to me. “I know.” I whisper.

Again the doctors head goes up and down. He reaches up to scratch his neck as the doors swing open.

I turn, everything feeling so much better when Sammy’s eyes meet mine.

“Maisie!” She gasps, running up to us. She wraps me in a warm hug. “Oh sweetie.” She mutters under her breath.

The doctor clears his throat. “Are you a family member of Davain—“

“Yes,” Sammy cuts him off. “Is he okay?”

The doctor sits down in the chair across from me. “We’re not sure.”

Sammy sits next to me, her hazel eyes glued on the floor. “What happened?”

“There’s no way to sugar coat this,” the doctor says. “Davian’s spine is shattered. We can’t repair it.”

Sammy loosk up. “Can’t you try?”

“If we operate we’ll risk losing him.”

Sammy wipes a tear from her rosy cheek. “If you don’t you’ll risk losing him too.”

The doctor sighs. “There’s nothing we can do.” He looks down at the tiled floor. “We’ve got him on some pain medication. We’re going to keep him comfortable. It’s all we can do at this point.”

Keep him comfortable? NO! I can’t lose him!

Not now, not after everything we’ve been through. He can’t die thinking I hate him for what happened to my mom.

I rise to my feet. “I need to see him,” I say.

The doctor stands. “He’s unconscious.”

I look into the doctors green eyes. “I need to see him.” I repeat.

He doesn’t argue, he just leads the way. Sammy stays behind, as we leave I can hear her quiet sobs echoing behind us.

(I’ll probably make more small moments before the real ending of their story. I just got the idea so I thought I’d go with it)

To Be Continued . . .

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