Write a story about a mad scientist.

The story can have any plot you like, but centre it around this character.


Wednesday 19th of July 1988

I’m known as the towns “mad scientist”.

My passion is building bikes, since I was a kid I can remember playing with my toy bikes and thinking what I could make out of them.

I could tell you everything about a bike, from the inside, out.

I guess my appearance isn’t that approachable for some people. I wear old clothes all with rips in.

I don’t get that much money, I’ve been on sick leave from work for a few weeks now but no one takes the time to know me, they just see someone looking crazy in the streets but actually I struggle with schizophrenia but to them I belong in a “nut home”.

I’m just like the rest of you. We just see things differently. We all bleed the same.

They just need time to understand me, I’ve got a heart of gold and I don’t mean to harm on anyone.

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