by Sans @

Write a halloween horror in less than 10 sentences.

The Uneasy Plot

The burial dirt around the plot began to shift. You could hear the creature beneath it scratching and clawing its way out. The dirt exploded around where the coffin was buried and the creature emerged, dragging the coffin lid with it. As the creature dropped the lid it launched itself across the yard to where the young man was standing, as the creature passed the boy, the boy’s head went flying off. The creature turned its attention to the young boy’s older sister and as it did it screeched in a horrible way, the crescendo of the damned. The creature hurled itself into the young girl and took possession of her body. The newly corporeal demon looked around its new environment and stretched its new arms to the heavens as if to say, “I’m here and there’s nothing you can do about it.” As the newly corporeal demon girl-creature headed to the exit of the graveyard it looked down the hillside and realized it hadn’t eaten yet. It then headed for the village below. It was so hungry.

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