Use the following objects in a narrative about how your character got a job that they are completely unqualified for:
Serve Me In My Office
I watched as the beautiful, brunette woman calmly pressed one black stiletto onto the gas pedal. Her facial expression was one of nonchalant determination. There was no evidence of any nerves on her part, whereas my brow dripped anxious sweat watching her relaxed focus.
The bullzoer eased forward smoothly and soon she was turning in perfect circles, and pressing the correct buttons at the correct times. Buttons I didn’t even know existed. This woman knew what she was doing.
She pulled the bulldozer back into the exact spot she started in and hopped out, landing evenly on both heeled feet.
As she walked towards me and the hiring manager, she smiled. The manager did not smile back.
Soon, I was inside the bulldozer, my brow dripping even more sweat than before. The ride did not go well. I ended up going in the wrong direction several times, starting and stopping suddenly, and at one time, releasing the large shovel, or whatever it was called, while I was moving, dumping dirt onto one of the other employees. I jerked to a stop as close as I could get to the woman and the hiring manager, which was several feet in front of them. I hopped out and tripped, landing on my side.
I pushed myself up and walked towards the hiring manager, staring down in embarrassment. When I got close enough to him, he clapped an arm on my shoulder encouragingly. I looked up to see him smile.
“Nice driving man, you’re hired.” I stared at him in disbelief, as did the woman.
The hiring manager turned towards the woman.
“I have a job for you too, sweetheart. There’s a teapot in the break room. You can serve me in my office.”