‘Time had never passed so slowly'

Write a poem that concludes with this line.


1:14am Alone Laying in bed Oppressive silence binds Heart pounds Will I ever see you again Will I ever Feel Touch Smell No 1:15am Alone I pick up my phone No calls, texts, and IM’s It’s habit checking every lonely moment Most of them are now though 1:16am Me and you with our cozy apartment Me and you with our two cats Why do I keep saying with Was 1:19am Alone I grab my phone again I find a podcast and hit play Some familiar voices to sooth Something to fall asleep to But nothing too good as those are for Lucid hours 1:46am Phones buzzes Wake alone Phone Email Tears Sleep 2:59am Wake What do I have to do tomorrow Work I check the time It’s been tomorrow for 3 hours I have a laugh Time had never passed so slowly
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