Jack Dedalus
Yeah I'm an analog man in a digital world -Joe Walsh
Jack Dedalus
Yeah I'm an analog man in a digital world -Joe Walsh
Yeah I'm an analog man in a digital world -Joe Walsh
Yeah I'm an analog man in a digital world -Joe Walsh
You were a better friend than role model I liked it though, it meant I could Choose my bedtime Eat junk Drink Bring questionable people over
I never knew much about you You never opened up Except with the aid of the bottle Till that became more often than not I didn’t like seeing that So I kept distance
When you passed I lost my best friend I mourned for the father The father you could be
Music blaring Hot humid air .15 blood alcohol
Flowing rolling golden locks Your green eyes meet mine
Lost in the moment Lost in you
I don’t dance That night I did
Face to face Looking Eyes to lips Eyes to eyes
Pulling you in by back of neck Kissing as teenagers do When feels all so new
Friends eyes on us With mouths agape For they all knew
Your boyfriend My girlfriend
My fingers gliding down With a gentle firmness Down, down your supple neck Inch by inch
My other hand Your body I make you sing To a rhythmic Thump, Thump, Thump
My fingers speed Up, up The faster, harder I go The louder you get
Sweat beading on my forehead You screaming my song We finish together I lay you down
I just look at Carmen and smile Beautiful top to bottom One hell of a bass guitar
1:14am Alone Laying in bed Oppressive silence binds Heart pounds Will I ever see you again Will I ever Feel Touch Smell
1:15am Alone I pick up my phone No calls, texts, and IM’s It’s habit checking every lonely moment Most of them are now though
1:16am Me and you with our cozy apartment Me and you with our two cats Why do I keep saying with
1:19am Alone I grab my phone again I find a podcast and hit play Some familiar voices to sooth Something to fall asleep to But nothing too good as those are for Lucid hours
1:46am Phones buzzes Wake alone Phone Email Tears
2:59am Wake What do I have to do tomorrow Work I check the time It’s been tomorrow for 3 hours I have a laugh
Time had never passed so slowly