The Scarlett Letter

I look around the dusty old room. I was in a pretty pink room till I fell asleep. Weird. I picked up a plush dinosaur that looked like it was used as a monsters chew toy. I shivered. I paced across the room, watching every corner of the room in case there was something waiting to jump scare me. I was kidding myself. Monsters aren’t real. I shivered every five seconds, waiting for a human to find me. Then I realized there was no door. What the heck? I lay on a couch, slowly drifting to sleep.

I wake up with a doll in my face. It looked exactly like her. Wierd. It’s head followed me around. Weird. I touched it. Big mistake. It bit me. I jumped back tears springing from my eyes. It jumped on me and pulled out a tiny knife. It sliced my fingers off one by one. Then came toes. Then came hands and feet. Arms and legs. Finally my head. I was screaming the whole time.

And that’s how the Scarlett Letter died. Wierd right. Don’t trust pretty pink rooms. Beware of yourself. Your coming to get you. Good luck.

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