Down the road

They both looked worn and thin. Not completely malnourished, but lean...threadbare. On first thought we envied the stranger. It’s hard to imagine ever having that much freedom to just ride all the way to New Mexico on your horse with only the bare essentials to worry over. It seemed extraordinary. I could see the look in Joe’s eyes...not exactly jealousy but a longing to do whatever you want on a whelm. I felt it too...having two kids under three and a full time teaching job made freedom seem like a fantasy. I couldn’t even imagine riding my horse for over an hour by myself let alone for days and weeks. What freedom! What adventure!...what loneliness...

He said his wife died of cancer...

What heartache...

Freedom?...wild horses are often the symbol of fact I have a picture above the headboard in our bed...but no matter how pretty the frame or inspirational quote, those horses will always look malnourished compared to ours, getting fat in the pasture. What kind of person can pick up and leave whenever they want to? One who is searching for meaning in their life. A malnourished soul?

Yes, he might be free, but we’re fat with love and nothing is better than that.

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