Life’s Lament

I’ve walked in shadows, swum in tears,

Drunk with madmen, been stalked by fears,

Where’s the profit for my years?

This prodding question my conscience sears,

Without a trace then disappears.

Moreo'er my dying day draws near

Be it so howe’er unclear.

What shall I know? What shall I gain?

Scourged by sorrow, stung by pain,

Shunned by love’s undying flame,

Yes, e’en love turned her face away,

Turned sunshine into blackest day.

Is there more, then, I must say?

Or shall my words fall all in vain?

Do I dare? Or do I die?

Look death’s cold stare in the eye,

I’ve given life one simple try,

Yet passed it away by and by

And left me lonely but to sigh;

Alas! Life’s final parting cry,

“Hearken to me, come and die!”

Behold, a plague is drawing near

To ill all cures, to feed all fears,

To raze the profit of my years

And scorch the flesh, the body sear

Fate ne’er has been made more unclear,

When hopes and dreams all disappear.

Yea, this too shall end in tears.

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