Use the following objects in a narrative about how your character got a job that they are completely unqualified for:
How’d I Get Here?
Hello, my name is Zander Blaine, and i am a firefighter—despite being awfully tall and shy, also not a very courageous person. I didn’t ask for this job, it just happened. It all started with a stilletto, the knife, not the shoe—And i hope to never be put in a situation where I have to wear that. A teapot, and a…..bulldozer. I know, as crazy as it sounds, i got a job with that!
It happened on May 4th, 2020. I was walking around in the city, when I see a apartment on fire, being the kind man I am I rushed to save them. I went to the nearest Starbucks and asked for a teapot, they gave it to me. I rushed back to the building and started pouring water to hopefully put out the fire. Then I figured that it wouldn’t work, so I tried to use a stiletto to carve out an exit, when I saw that didn’t work, my original plan was to give up. That was until I saw a bulldozer. Now, you may be thinking: what is he going to do with that? this guy is a maniac! Just wait, you’ll see. So I yelled to the family to look out their window, then I started the machine and put the bulldozer part right at the window, then I asked them to trust me and hang on to the bulldozer. I lowered it down to the ground and I had saved them! The firefighters saw that, so they hired me!
And now im here. What a story right?