by Thomas Griesbeck @ Unsplash

'The Lake'. Write a crime, mystery, or horror story about what happened at this location.

The Lake

I‘ve never thought I would ever return to this place. It was excactly how I remembered it, nothing had changed and the only indication of the passed time, were the weathered wooden planks and chipped off paint from the metal ladder at the end of the short jetty.

It was late afternoon and the clouds made the day darker than usual. But my memories of a sunny summer spent at the lake weren‘t fading a bit. Exciting times those days - character defining days. Without thinking I had walked to the tenth plank on the right side and got down to touch it. And I could‘ve sworn the wood was still slightly tinted in this red hue. And suddenly I could smell it again - copper, sweet copper.

And I could feel his grip on my arm while I turned the knife in his lower abdomen. And I saw all the emotions in his eyes. Surprise, shock and utter despair. The soft sound leaving his mouth. And the feeling of pride filling my chest once I pushed him back and he hit the calm surface of the water.

He had been my first. And it was still the sweetest.

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