The Stowaway

Jenny was screwed. And not in the good way. The ship she wasn’t supposed to be on crashed. Now she had to figure out a way to avoid being found and still get home. It’s not like she was on the ship for nefarious reasons.. she just wanted to go home. Figures that everything that could go wrong did.

To make matters worse there were now a bunch of humans looking around the ship, likely trying to figure out where it came from. Stupid humans.

Now she had to get out of this closet and try to blend in or stay hidden so she could get away.

She reached for the door when she heard someone walking towards the closet.


Time to come up with a really good story.

The door opened to reveal a boy -thankfully not a human- she had seen briefly before back at the station but did not know.

“Uh, what are you doing in here?” He asked

Jenny fumbled for an answer and decided that barely coherent rambling would work best.

“That’s a great question. I was just hanging out then everything kind of fell out of the sky and I was like ‘woah that’s crazy’ so I came in here to find a part to fix a thing over there I saw brok-“

“You’re not supposed to be here are you?” The boy interrupted

Jenny sighed, “No. No I am not,”

“Well, come on. We gotta get out of here,”

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