Without describing exactly what you see, write a story, poem, or descriptive paragraph which conjures this image.
It’s My Fault
Every night they asked me “are you not lonely? Are you okay walking back? Do you want a lift? I can walk with you.”
Every night I told them “no.” I stuck to my independence.
They didn’t ask tonight.
It doesn’t matter how many cold walks home I’ve endured. How often I’ve walked alone. Because it was my choice. Mine alone.
They didn’t ask tonight.
I’ve never been more alone walking home on a cold night with ice in the air and without the money for my bus fare.
I wish I’d said yes. Just one of those nights.
I’ve never been more alone. I’ve never felt worse walking home.
They didn’t ask me tonight, didn’t offer. I’m alone, well and truly, and I’m afraid I brought it on myself.
They didn’t ask me tonight, if I was okay to walk home alone. They didn’t ask me tonight.
Will they ask me again?
I hope so. With all my heart.