by somatonic

Write a story that takes place in the moutains. You can write in any genre, but try to include this view.

The Lost World

I stepped through the mirror on my living room wall , I’m on delivery duty , as in I lost a bet with my girlfriend and now have to deliver a bunch of orders from customers, mainly people order natural cough medicines and potions for healing and reliving them of stretch marks and bunions . “I’ll be back at 11 o’clock babe” I called out to the kitchen “ok, but try to be quick we still have lots of orders since Valentine’s Day is coming up!” I chuckled , Valentine’s Day was the day all girls wanted their bodies to look ‘perfect’ for their partners and in so they order all our potions that heal stretch marks and sores . I swept my hand over my ear and snapped my finger , then I patted my ear to make sure they were human again . I am an elf if I haven’t said that yet , so my ears are kinda... pointy, any way , I stepped through the portal mirror and ended up in front of house number 12 on cook street . I knocked on the door , an old looking lady stepped out wearing pajamas . Ah yes she must be the one that ordered all our healing potions, scared of death it seems. I handed her the potions, she had a great full look on her face and handed me the exact amount of money I needed. I thanked her and shuffled off through the blue hole in the air which only I could see and pass through it was like a blue ring floating in the air , I did all my deliveries and stepped through the portal once more thinking one word in my head “home” I meant to the little home like shop my girlfriend and I run but I ended up somewhere else, I stepped into a large valley with beautiful hills covered in autumn trees I looked up and saw mountains stretching far across the sky as if they were sleeping giants just bathing in the warm sunlight. And then I saw it, a large tower , I felt like I was here before , like I was just hit with nostalgia, Ive been here before! But when? The only part of my life I don’t remember was when I was with...... my mother.... I ran to the tower and saw that it was so old , vines covered it from top to bottom, as if no ones been here and took care of it in years. The gardens leading up to the gate was over run with weeds , and withered rose bushes, there was a fountain that was covered in mossy tiles and tadpoles in the water . Nature will always find a way to thrive. I brushed away a strand of hair and tucked it behind my ear , I realized that my ear was back in its natural elf self . This place neutralized the transformation spell . The gates opened and a prim and proper queen walked out , she had long flowing dark hair and a gown that reached the floor , she was tall and elegant , her gown was a sparkling blue and her crown a shimmering silver with forget me nots carved into the silver and blue gems where the petals were . Her eyes were fixed on me , then she smiled and my heart was overflowing with joy and nostalgia, this woman, no, this queen was my mother . I woke with a cold sweat , my girlfriend was next to me on her knees I was on the porch of Mr and Mrs Peters house , they were in the doorway staring down at me in shock , Emilia , my girlfriend was crying pouring potions on my throat, forehead and chest “Adora! Your awake! Omg I’m so glad your awake! It seems my magic brought back your continuousness! I’m so sorry I didn’t come with you! “ she swiped at her tears and gasped a few times before calming down , I put my hand on her cheek and smiled , “I’m ok I.. I just passed out ... that’s all” she nodded and hugged me as I sat up . “Adora I’m so sorry” she whispered to me

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