End Of The Fucking World

The apocalypse sucks.

I know that that seems pretty obvious but it really does.

Like I’m 17 and instead of going to parties and getting drunk, like people did 40 years ago, I’m learning how to shoot a sawed off shotgun. We’ve tried to throw parties but once a large group of adolescents crack open a whiskey bottle it’s all over. We were way to loud, got caught within half an hour. As punishment we all had to run 15 extra laps the next day followed by a very stern assembly about why throwing parties when zombies lurk right outside your doorstep isn’t a good idea, but we were all out hung over to really be listening.

Also hygiene goes right out the window. I mean the dorms aren’t so bad, but that’s because we have routine cleaning every Thursdays before lunch. But when your sent out on tasks the smell is unbearable. Mould and fungus cover almost every surface and one girl, Clara, was so sensitive that she couldn’t stop throwing up and is now strictly on communications. There is also no hot water, which I don’t understand because you have electricity but not boiler? But im not a engineer so hey, what do I know?

Speaking of the dorms, imagine a one person room with two bunk beds shoved into the corners and random bags with clothe stuffed into them hanging from every hook and littered over all the floor then reduce the size by 4.

Yea, there tiny.

I got lucky though. I get along with all of my room mates. I’ve heard some horror stories about kids from other camps killing their roomies in their sleep. And sure, Ross threatens to kill us when we annoy him (which is all the time) but in reality he wouldn’t hurt a fly. Which isn’t a very good quality to have when your suppose to be killing zombies for a living.

Ross sits beside me right now in morning announcements, he stares straight forward taking in every word and piece of information that he can. Caleb, who sits on the other side of him, makes scribbles down notes to fast I think his wrist might dislocate. He’s one of the few of us that stilll have a living parent, his dad is a scientist currently working on a cure in Florida, (which everyone has pretty much forgotten about beaucse they have been working on it for over 10 years) they never see each other but some how they have the closest bond of any two people I’ve ever met. He takes everything way to seriously if you ask me.

And finally to my left is the fourth and final inhabitant of dorm 74… my best friend… the best shooter in the whole facility… Mitch.

Who is currently asleep.

Honestly I can’t blame him though, I can barley keep my eyes open right now. The only important things you need to listen to are the group assignments for that day and then it’s all about trades and other boring stuff like that, I would be asleep right now expect our commander is sitting behind us right now and the last time I fell asleep in front of him he kicked my chair and I fell on the floor. The reason Mitch can get away with it is because he is constantly asleep and everyone has given up on telling him off by now.He successfully completes all assignments and is a perfect marksman with any weapon so who cares if he sleeps through meetings or sometimes starts fights in the canteen?

The assembly ends with all of us standing and saluting the Head, Mitch is jerked awake and stumbles up and gives a half-hearted salute. If I had done any of those things things I would have been put into solitary confinement.

We march out of the assembly and disperse into the halls. Ross and Caleb walk briskly ahead of Mitch and I talking about how we were going to carry out our mission.

“What’s our assignment?” Mitch slurs from beside me, still half asleep.

Caleb stops walking and turns to face Mitch who nearly walks right into him. “You have got to stop falling asleep in assembly, we can’t repeat everything twice just for you.” The order falls on deaf ears as this argument had happened almost every morning for the past 4 years and Mitch continues to snooze away.

“Stop being an asshole dude, just tell me.” Mitch grumbles and rubs his eyes.

“We’ve got night watch.” Ross speaks up.

Mitch is definitely awake now.

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