Craft a story where each sentence begins with the successive letter of the alphabet, starting with A.
The story can be about whatever you like, but try to make it coherent and logical as you carefully choose words to start each sentence.
Sam And The Animals In The Forest
Once upon a time there was a boy called Sam. He was just an ordinary boy who did ordinary boy things. One day Sam’s mum said he could take a walk through the forest all by himself. He was super duper happy and off he went. He was being an ordinary boy still walking through the forest whistling. That’s when he heard a noise. He stopped and then in front of his eyes came running a fox. Sam didn’t care so he just kept on doing what he was doing. And that’s when realised the fox was following him. He still walked on. Then out from the bushes came a squirrel and he ran past Sam. Sam still walked on and then realised the squirrel was following him too! He still walked on. Then out of the trees came flying a bird and it landed. Sam still walked on. Then he realised the bird was following him. He still walked on. He checked behind his shoulder again to see if any other animals were following him and to his surprise… There was the fox, the bird, the squirrel and a new addition. Actually loads of new additions, there was beetles, bees, snails, slugs, earwigs and lots of other insects. He turned back and he wanted to go home but instead he went to the shops. When he was on the street he checked behind his shoulder again to see if the animals were still there. They was even on the street. Sam felt embarrased that he was in public and there was a bunch of forest animals behind him. He got to the shop hoping for the shopkeeper to scare the animals off but the shopkeeper didn’t do that. He had to think of a plan fast and then he realised he could just scare them off himself. All along he couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought of that. He went back to the forest so no one would see him scare them off. And then he turned around and a mighty roar came out of his mouth. Every single animal in the forest went to there homes never to be seen again. In that case Sam went home and told his mum every single bit about his day.