Strangers and Friends



They still have the same negative and positive connotation.

But they have a whole new meaning now.

Decades ago, a new flu shot was developed. It was announced it would be more effective against illness. Millions of people got it all over the world, anticipating the flu season.

That shot had a side effect in some people. In about a 1/3 of individuals that received it, unwarranted abilities began to emerge.

These people with unrestricted powers became known as Strangers.

And the rest, the ones that remained the same, were labeled Friends.

Everyone were scared of Strangers. They were dangerous and had weird abilities that you couldn’t predict. You couldn’t trust Strangers.

Want to know what terrified Friends the most?

Strangers looked like everyone else.

Over the years, paranoia and suspicion grew until known Strangers were almost completely ostracized. Imprisoned if possible. Killed when necessary.

It quickly became quite clear that Friends valued normality. No matter the cost.


(A little blurb for a new series I’ve been thinking of! Another one with powers because I love the fantastical element of them!)

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