Create a character who in some way embodies these three words: rough




To everyone else he looked like the strong silent type, but Gershon was much more than that. He was rough due to his upbringing, his military career, and also his work as a special operator for a mercenary unit. He’s seen atrocities, hell, he committed quite a few…to the point that his mind was cracked.

He was high functioning enough to socially pass as normal, if a bit creepy, but deep within, this retired career killer, was plagued with a ravenous yearning for bloodshed - a bloodlust that Gershon satisfied with by “taking care” of pedophiles.

Some of his victims were high profile ones, which earned him a spot on the FBIs top wanted. Gershon knew that the feds would be engaged to protect their child raping assets across so many industries, but he didn’t care. He saw pedofiles…or MAPs as their enablers in our hijacked government and media like to call them, as scum of the earth not worthy of the air we breathe.

And as such, Gershon continued his clandestine activities of murdering child rapists…to kill two birds with one stone…so to speak. He looked through his binoculars at his next mark…another high profile twat…a corrupt federal judge that has time and time again came to the rescue of his degenerate pedo peers.

The judge, Antoine Merchan, wasn’t home alone. His family, a twisted wife and daughter who shared Antoine’s sexual predictions for 10 year olds, were getting ready to sit down for dinner. Gershon smirked, this was going to be his best work of art yet. He had the evidence of the judge and his families crimes printed out for the feds to find. He was pressed on taunting the FBI.

And, if the evidence of the Merchan family’s crimes against children goes unpublished by the FBI press liaison…well…Gershon made arrangements for the release of said evidence via other means.

It was time.

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