by Annie Spratt @ Unsplash

Write a story where an important scene takes place in an outdoor play area.
He wiped a tear rolling down his cheek and buried his face in his hands. “They probably don't love me… Otherwise, they’d give me more attention.” the boy thought, sitting on one of the benches in the play area. The colour of his lips turned to a faint purple and his hands were shivering slightly. “Yes, why would the care about me? I’ve done nothing but taken space in their house” were his thoughts, and he took a peek through his fingers, as if accepting, getting used to this information. And all of a sudden… on this empty, lonely play area; where the wind was shaking wooden attractions and raise autumn leaves to the cloudy grey sky, the boy saw a girl. Her blonde hair was fluttering, catching her chin and tangling more and more. The sky reflected in her grey eyes, that changed to flamery orange with the first ray of sunshine through the rainy clouds. She was smiling to the boy and he felt the place warming up in an instant.
“What is your name?” the girl asked, her eyes flickering with joy.
“I’m… I’m Noah!” he wheezed out, feeling his heart beating faster, plumping warm blood in his veins.
“Isn’t it a lovely day, Noah? Are you going to join me in our game?” She said in awe.
“What game?” He wondered. His lips parted slightly as he locked his gaze on the girl.
“I don’t know, that’s why I called it ‘our game’, so we could come up with something together!”
The boy came up to her and smiled slightly, accepting the challenge. They went on swings, drew on the ground with sticks that found near an old oak tree, played with sand… and his troubles started to leave his head, as the passing grey clouds.
“It’s time for me to go, Noah. Thank you for having such fun with me!” the girl said, her eyes beaming with gratitude. She started to walk away.
“Wait!” the boy ran up to her. “What should I call you?”
“Consolation.” She smiled and disappeared, as a mirage by the sea.
And he’s never seen her again.